Recent news

A helping hand in time of need

We are delighted to announce that we have now installed a defibrillator at Roehampton Methodist Church. Thanks to a generous grant from the Richmond & Hounslow Circuit and a local charity, we have been able to provide this service for those in need in our local area. The new box is installed just outside the church and is available 24/7 for those in need. 

New defibrilator

A sign of the times!

We are finally back on the map! For many years, the signs at the Church have been out of date and looking very tired. They have also been too small for people to read properly from the road – leading to lots of confusion for visitors. Plans to replace them were delayed by the need to raise funds, seek planning permission and the Covid pandemic almost driving the manufacturer into bankruptcy! Finally, though, at the end of August, the new signs were installed, including a new one by the roadside and a poster board. Everyone is delighted with them and they have already caused much comment.

New signs 1

New signs 2

Tuesday mornings going strong

Our worship on Tuesday mornings continues to attract new and familiar faces. We meet together each week at 10:30 am to worship in an informal manner. This gives us the opportunity not just to listen but to engage in discussion and reflection together, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through each one of us. Recently, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday together with only a few pancakes ending up on the floor!

Shrove Tuesday 2023

World Day of Prayer

On Friday, 3 March, 2023, we were delighted to host the Churches Together in Putney & Roehampton World Day of Prayer service. This is an annual event when Christians from across the world join together in prayer for one another. It is a service open to all but led by women. This year the service was put together by the women of Taiwan on the theme of 'I Have Heard About Your Faith' (Ephesians 1:15-19).

WDP 2023 

WDP 2023

Foodbank opens

We are pleased to be now hosting an outlet of Wandsworth Foodbank at the Church on Friday afternoons. We regret that foodbanks are necessary in this day and age but we are committed to supporting those in need as best we can. For details of their work, please see Wandsworth Foodbank's website here.


New shed

We have a new shed at Roehampton Methodist. It may not look like much but this new outbuilding is actually helping to fight food poverty on the Alton Estate! Since September, Wandsworth Foodbank has been operating from the church every Friday afternoon. To facilitate this, the church has handed over the use of its office to the Foodbank to store all its donations. This was only made possible by moving all of the church’s equipment and stores into the new shed. This was kindly paid for by generous grants from the Foodbank and the local Putney Society, and was skilfully erected by volunteers from the Community Shed project. It’s a great example of the church working with local community groups to provide a lasting service to others.

Roehampton shed 2021

Deacon Kathy's Ordination

This summer we celebrated the ordination of Deacon Kathy Johnson into the Diaconal Order of the Methodist Church. Deacon Kathy has served in our Circuit for the last three years as a probationer minister and should have been ordained last year. Owing to COVID, her big day inevitably had to be postponed so it was good finally to celebrate this special occasion in June with her family and fellow ordinands. We rejoice with Kathy in this confirmation of her calling and vocation. (Photo of the COVID-safe service below.)

Diaconal ordinands 2020

Diaconal ordination service 2021